Everything Changes with One Vote
On July 2, 1787, one delegate changes his vote on state equality in the Senate and throws the Constitutional Convention into a tail spin.
Global Impact
A sneak peek from the upcoming film, "The American Constitution." Featuring Yale Law School Professor Akhil Reed Amar and historians Carol Berkin and Christopher Collier.
You Go First
A sneak peek from the upcoming film, "The American Constitution." Featuring American legal and constitutional history professor at Boston College Law School, Mary S. Bilder. Actors Michael Lake as James Madison and Hannibal Hills as James Wilson.
Northwest Ordinance
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 is explored in this sneak peek from the upcoming film, "The American Constitution." Featuring historian Christopher Collier, University of Baltimore law professor Michael Meyerson, author David O. Stewart, Pulitzer Prize winner Gordon Wood, author Carol Berkin, and Yale Law constitutional scholar Akhil Reed Amar.
Preamble to the US Constitution
The magic behind the opening words of the US Constitution. Features constitutional scholars Akhil Reed Amar and Sanford Levinson in addition to leading historians Carol Berkin and Christopher Collier.
"1787 The American Constitution" Sneak Peek
A fast-paced montage of moments from the upcoming movie "1787 The American Constitution."